Bronwagen = Source- car
Mary stands at the source in compagny of some women and children. Next to the source there is a messenger. Women form part of a Greek chorus. In a desolate dessert landscape Mary gets to the source to water.

Bruiloftswagen = Wedding-car
It’s a representation of the wedding of Cana. Through the doorway we see the staff and the steward with the winepitchers. Mary and Jesus lie at the table of guests. There is plenty of wine and the atmosphere is very cheerful.

Kruiswagen = Cross-car
This is the rendering of the descent from the Cross. Mary and John are directed to the cross.A Roman officer and several soldiers steps for the car. Some mourning women follows the car.

Rederijkerswagen = Rhetorician-car
This car represents the atmosphere inside the chamber of rhetoric. The interior is richly decorated with shields and banners.

Schipwagen = Ship-car
The ship dancing on the waves represents the Church. A Church which navigates at all times under the care of Mary.

Tempelconstructie = Temple-construction
Young Jesus entertains the Pharisees in the temple. All sorts of people are running between the pillars of the colonnade.

Wereldbolwagen = Globe-car
On the globe the continents are in relief and the oceans are coloured blue. In the front there are numerous little flags of countries. Mary sits on a throne and her cloak is spread across the globe. For the car a big flag of Europe is borne.The car is surrounded with the flag of Poperinge and still other flags of european countries.